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Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD for short) is often an orofacial pain or discomfort not arising from the tooth or gums, but from the joint which opens and closes your mouth.

TMJ disorder will often exhibit one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Clicking or crepitus of the joint when opening or closing your mouth
  • Painful joint capsule when opening or closing your mouth
  •  Tired jaw muscles
  • Grinding or clenching, often a nocturnal habit
  • Teeth that are sore to chew on
  • Headaches and/or neck aches
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TMJ disorder is a broad term for various different issues that can develop, and treatment depends on the specific diagnosis. Things to do at home include:

  • Avoiding excess chewing, especially hard foods
  • Being careful when yawning
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Use of hot packs/water bottles to relax muscles


  • Use of a Nightguard or occlusal splint
  • Adjustment of teeth in occlusion
  • Orthodontics to improve tooth position
  • Consider referral for adjunctive treatment from physiotherapy, oral surgeon, orthodontist, prosthodontists

Our new patient exam will allow us to make assessments of any TMJ disorder you may be experiencing and discuss your options.

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Ascot Vale Smiles

So if you would like to sit down and discuss your options in an open and honest manner, please call us to book for a comprehensive examination.

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