Did you know not all dental crowns are made equal? Why do some dental crowns look so lifelike and seamlessly blend into your smile, and others look like a yellow blob? Why do some old dental crowns show a dark line around the gumline of your front tooth?

There are many variations of dental crown materials and quality. The dentists at Ascot Vale Smiles have a deep understanding of the plethora of materials used for dental crown fabrication to ensure your tooth receives the ideal treatment. The traditional black line around old dental crowns on front teeth can be eliminated using the latest in dental crown fabrication technology. You can be assured that at Ascot Vale Smiles, all dental crowns and veneers materials are locally fabricated in Melbourne, and it would be the material we would want in our own mouth. As such, our crowns carry a 5-year structural warranty and we only ask you to see us regularly to maintain this.
- heavily broken down teeth
- heavily filled teeth
- cracked teeth
- previously root canal treated teeth
Dental crowns act as a protective brace and coverage for these teeth. They can also provide aesthetic improvements to the teeth being crowned.

Ascot Vale Smile dentists are trusted, caring, and experienced in the profession of dentistry.