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Our Comprehensive Oral Examination is recommended for all adult new patients to our practice. This allows us to provide complete and comprehensive dental care for you, and clearly communicate your dental and smile concerns. Please allow 60 minutes for our examination to give you time to ask any questions. This oral exam serves as the basis for essential discussion and treatment planning, preventative care, and minimises future dental health issues.

Book an Appointment

During our comprehensive examination we will perform the following:

  • Examine your oral condition:
    This includes checking your jaw joint, your lips and tongue and soft tissues, the way your teeth bite together and also your teeth.
  • Periodontal charting:
    This is a systematic chart of the health of your gums, with 6 individual measurements made per tooth, to check for gum disease. Any other gum problems such as bleeding, recession and tooth mobility is also recorded. This provides our basis for developing a personalised oral hygiene plan for you.
  • Radiographs:
    X-rays are a crucial aide in diagnosing dental conditions. Without them, an incorrect diagnosis may occur. We also have an onsite OPG machine which allows us to check for wisdom teeth development and screening children’s teeth development. The OPG machine also allows us to plan orthodontic and gum disease treatment thoroughly.
  • Extraoral and intraoral photography:
    With our Digital SLR camera, ring flash and custom dental settings, we will take amazingly accurate photos of your teeth and smile.
  • Treatment plan consult:
    After all of the above information is collected, we will sit down with you and slowly explain any issues. A treatment plan can be constructed immediately for simple cases. Complex cases may require a second appointment to gather further information. A second consult will always be complimentary.

Contact Ascot Vale Smiles today and book a consultation.

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Ascot Vale Smile dentists are trusted, caring, and experienced in the profession of dentistry.

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